Our Location
Nagaroor P O, Kilimanoor, Thiruvanthapuram
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+91 9495201078

SREE SANKARA VIDYA PEETOM EM SCHOOL is a Co-educational school located in the KILIMANOOR block of THIRUVANANTHAPURAM district in Kerala. Established in 1996, it is managed by the Pvt. Unaided and serves students from class 1 to class 10. The school is located in a rural. It have a pre-primary section. English is the medium of instruction at SREE SANKARA VIDYA PEETOM EM SCHOOL. The school is accessible by all weather road and academic sessions begin in April.

The school has a Private building. It has 20 classrooms in good condition. There is a separate room for the headmaster/teacher Under Construction. The school does not have an electric connection. The source of Drinking Water in the school is Well and it is functional.

The school has 4 boys toilet and has 4 girls toilet and and it is functional. It have playground and computers for teaching and learning. However, the school does have a library with 2500 books and provides mid-day meals. The disabled students does not need ramps to access classrooms. There a computer-aided learning lab.


We believe in imparting value education to the students of rural area through high quality educational methods.


To nurture academic excellence and character development. To provide best education to its students by nurturing self confidence, self-discipline, critical thinking and creativity. To teach students the important values of life like honesty, humility and humanity. To teach children to respect parents, teachers and all elders. To instil cultural values and patriotism. To dream big and strive to achieve their highest potential.

Get In Touch

Sree Sankara Vidyapeetom English Medium School(Senior Secondary)
An institution under Sree Sankara Trust

CBSE Affl No. 930783

Nagaroor P.O,
Kilimanoor, Thiruvanthapuram - 695601

+91 9495201078


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